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  What We Do: Database Systems

A company's data is usually it's life blood. Customer lists, product data, inventory or sales history are all different types of databases that are very beneficial if accessible through the internet. The proper planning and implementation of a database system is critical to it's short term and long term usefulness. Accuracy, validity and ease of transfer to and from existing in-house systems are key.

WMSI has built custom solutions for its past clients so that they can showcase their available products, deliver accurate customer service/support and handle all facets of ecommerce. Each business has its own inherent issues with their data. WMSI will work with your company to bring your data online. Whether it is real-time, almost real-time or archived data, the system that will deliver your data must be easy to use, intuitive and reliable. WMSI will analyze your existing data and determine the right path and system to migrate it to the web.

Screen shots of custom database systems built by WMSI All databases are custom designed by WMSI and tailored exactly to your data and operational needs. Most all have text file import and export capabilities allowing for easy transfer of data to and from your in-house computer systems. Contact us to discuss your needs and we will make it right for you.
WMSI offers free consultations to qualified businesses call (305) 935-4608 today.